Book Review: Best Beach Ever by Wendy Wax
Thank you to Berkley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.
A solid three stars for Best Beach Ever.
I mean, how gorgeous is that cover?!
Although three stars may seem low, I don’t have much to complain about with this book.
I haven’t read any of the other books in the Ten Beach Road series, so maybe I’m not privy to the reasons why Wax has so many faithful readers.
Her writing is adequate for the story but not exceptional. The story is adequate but not exceptional.
I’m not sure if the intention was profundity but profound it was not.
The easiest read I’ve picked up in a while, Best Beach Ever simply satiated a part of my summer reading goals but not much more.
I probably would have really loved it if I had been reading from St. Pete Beach instead of a hospital bed in Ohio!
The women feel like women I know in real life, though I would’ve loved to hear more of Avery’s story. Dustin and Daniel and Maddie and Kyra took up too much of my time.
If you’re looking for an effortless read to get you through your family vacation ... perhaps this is the new summer book for you.